2te-Zahnartzmeinung.de is a German dental platform where patients can upload their dental treatments to receive competitive offers from dentists. How to improve the service  with a concrete journey management strategy?
Project overview: 2 weeks during bootcamp + 4 weeks afterwards   |  Team of 3 UX designers

Over time, 2te-Zahnartzmeinung platform had grown, but the unifying vision was lost, which adversely affected the user experience. Goal: Improve the service by systematically concentrating on the needs and experiences of dental patients through a custom-made, and concrete journey management strategy.
Research and User Interviews
Our UX-team conducted research, examined the process, and interviewed six people about their first impressions of the current website. Conclusion user interviews: patients in Germany view their dentist as an authority figure and are not accustomed to being critical about dental prices. The idea of uploading treatment plans for lower bids or negotiating with dentists is a concept that is new for them.
Patient  journey
We discovered several pain points during the customer journey. The idea of saving money appeals to everyone, but the website does not instill enough trust. Additionally, the concept is not immediately clear to them—how can they participate? Once they have their treatment listed online and can receive bids, the next pain point arises. How do they make a good choice among the bids? The dentists are anonymous. Only after they have made their choice is the selected dentist revealed.

Dentist journey
This platform can only succeed if it provides benefits for dentists and establishes a network of dentists across Germany. Dentists respond to interesting treatment requests when it suits them or aligns with their specialties. A past quality treatment at a competitive price can be found on the comparison page, giving patients insight into costs. If the dentist receives a positive review, it builds trust for future bids.
Homepage sketching

Simplify onboarding
Streamline the registration process for patients to make it easy to use. We reduced the number of steps required to create an account and provided clear, guided instructions throughout the process. A progress bar informs users of their registration progress, and visual cues and tooltips guide users through the platform.
Getting insights
All completed treatments are visible to visitors on the price compare page. They can search by treatment or location and get an overview of the bids made. But there’s more – you can click through to see more information about the treatment and read the patient’s experience. This is crucial as it provides insight into how others have participated, their satisfaction with the process, and how much money they have saved. By showing real people and their savings, it builds trust.
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